How To Cleanse

Purification Workshop held by Flintridge Family Chiropractic
Flintridge Family Chiropractic held a Purification Workshop on Monday, April 22, 2013, focused on how ones body is able to function through the elimination of toxins and the addition of whole food nutrients.

Over 100 people from La Canada and the surrounding foothill communities attended the Purification Workshop where information about healthy eating was distributed to each attendee.  It is now an indisputable fact that we are exposed to a plethora of toxins that to which our body cannot adapt.  The vast majority are unnatural, human-made chemicals. Although it is impossible to eliminate exposure, we can minimize the exposure and maximize our body’s ability to repair the damage.” 

The easiest place to eliminate toxins is on our food, here are some recommendations to eliminate;

   1.       Fried foods (fries, donuts, chips, etc)
2.       Processed and Non fiber carbs ( pasta, bread, etc)
3.       Grains (limited whole grains and whole oats)
4.       Dairy (limited non-pasteurized dairy)
5.       Juices (limited very diluted)
6.       Caffeine (Very limited - I apologize to the addicts)
7.       Sprayed, early harvested fruits and vegetables
8.       Grain fed, antibiotic fed, hormone fed meats
9.       Non-filtered or non-distilled water
10.     Dried fruits (limited, organic only)
11.     Corn Products
12.     Shellfish (bottom feeders - bioaccumulate toxins)
13.     Tuna (top of food chain - bioaccumulate toxins)
14.     Farmed fish - higher toxicity - less omega-3 etc.
15.     Smoked meat - full of nitrite and nitrates
16.     Pork - high in parasites, mold spores in fat
17.     Alcohol - (YES even wine is bad)

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