For the mother
- Prepare the pelvis for an easier pregnancy and birth by creating a state of balance in pelvic bony structures, muscles and ligaments.
- Removes tension on the ligaments that support the uterus thus reducing the torsion(intrauterine constraint) to the woman's uterus.
- Allows for safer easier birth for the mother decreasing the potential for intervention
For the infant
- Allows the baby the room to develop without restrictions to its forming cranium, spine and other skeletal structures.
- Removes interferences to the mother's nerve system allowing for better baby development.
- Offers the baby the room to move into the best possible position for birth.
- With proper fetal positioning, there is a significant decrease in dystocia and the resulting birth trauma caused by intervention.
For more info on chiropractic for expectant moms and children check out this very comprehensive site, it's awesome!
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association