Why Chiropractic for kids?
An easy answer to this question is provided by Dr. Joel Marley DC,
“It’s easier to raise healthy children than to fix broken adults,” however
there is more to it. A child just like an adult is exposed to stress as
well, something as simple as growing can be the reason for chiropractic.
Chiropractic can also help with
1. Better sleep patterns
2. Enhanced immune system function
3. Better moods and behaviors
The best part about Chiropractic for children is that it is gentle,
safe and natural. Chiropractors only use their hands, there are no needles
involved, no pharmaceuticals and no surgical devices. Your family chiropractor is
also well trained in lifestyle habits, and dietary recommendations that will
help you and your child live a more wellness based lifestyle.
I see patients just a few hours old because even the birthing process can be traumatic. These early adjustments get their nervous system working properly which will begin their lifetime journey towards preventative wellness.
"Chiropractic care for children offers your family a solid foundation for wellness. Throughout pregnancy, birth, and childhood, the chiropractic lifestyle offers choices and benefits for your greater health and well-being."
Jeanne Ohm, D.C. President ICPA