Chiropractic 4 Kids!

Why Chiropractic for kids?

An easy answer to this question is provided by Dr. Joel Marley DC,
“It’s easier to raise healthy children than to fix broken adults,” however
there is more to it. A child just like an adult is exposed to stress as
well, something as simple as growing can be the reason for chiropractic.
Chiropractic can also help with

1. Better sleep patterns

2. Enhanced immune system function

3. Better moods and behaviors

The best part about Chiropractic for children is that it is gentle,
safe and natural. Chiropractors only use their hands, there are no needles
involved, no pharmaceuticals and no surgical devices. Your family chiropractor is
also well trained in lifestyle habits, and dietary recommendations that will
help you and your child live a more wellness based lifestyle.

I see patients just a few hours old because even the birthing process can be traumatic. These early adjustments get their nervous system working properly which will begin their lifetime journey towards preventative wellness.

"Chiropractic care for children offers your family a solid foundation for wellness. Throughout pregnancy, birth, and childhood, the chiropractic lifestyle offers choices and benefits for your greater health and well-being."
Jeanne Ohm, D.C. President ICPA

Importance of Chiropractic before Athletic Events

According to a study published in Chiropractic: The Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation by Lauro A and Mouch B in 1991, athletes exhibited a 30% improvement in performance after 12 weeks of chiropractic treatment. They were tested on several aspects of athletic ability including kinesthetic perception, power, reaction time, agility and balance. Those who did not receive chiropractic treatment showed only a 1% increase in performance after 6 weeks of treatment, while those who received the chiropractic treatments showed an 18% increase in performance after 6 weeks.

Many professional athletes also undergo treatments before, during and after a game. According to, athletes including Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, and Barry Bonds all receive treatments from sports chiropractors so that they can improve their performance and recover properly throughout training and game season. (Source: Professional sports teams such as Los Angeles Galaxy, Arizona Cardinals, San Francisco 49ers, and multiple UFC fighters also receive the benefits from chiropractic care.

Young athletes - not only professionals or Olympians – can also benefit from chiropractic treatment because this type of therapy enhances blood flow, improves range of motion and can also increase recovery rates after intensive training or a game. Full range of motion is particularly important for endurance athletes and those who must employ various types of stretches into their training routine.

La Canada Chiropractor

As a chiropractor, I thought what better topic to write about than back pain. Rather than describe symptoms, diagnoses and treatments, I would like to start with prevention. In my clinic we see many acute and chronic cases of back pain, however the education in my office relies heavily on having a proactive approach to health rather than a reactive one. So instead of waiting for an accident or injury to occur and then reacting, it is best to constantly educate yourself on your health and physically prepare your body for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

Based on the majority of cases I see, here are a few tips. However, do not accept these as the only ways to prevent an injury. I encourage you, as I do all my patients, to become experts in your body and to lead a natural, healthy, proactive life.

Lift with your Legs. You have probably heard this a million times but the biomechanical evidence shows that if you lift and bend at the waist then extend or straighten up, this changes the body’s center of gravity and more importantly the alignment of the spine. This forces the spine, which is weaker than the combined muscle groups of the legs, to support the weight of the upper body and the weight of the load being lifted. Ouch! Instead, face the object you’re picking up straight on, bend at the knees, without the knees going in front of your toes, keep the back extended (straight), lift slowly and please use caution when it comes to the weight of an object.

Maintain a Healthy Posture. Many people feel that it is one sudden accident that causes an injury; unfortunately often times the spine is predisposed to an injury due to accumulated physical stresses placed on it day after day from bad posture. Whether you are sitting at your desk, standing or sleeping it is extremely important to be conscious and aware of the position of your spine. The most basic way to correct your posture is in a standing position arms at your side – visualize an imaginary line going straight down from your ear, through your shoulder, through your hip, knee and ankle. Better posture has many benefits in addition to preventing back pain and I will elaborate on this in future articles.

Maintain a Healthy Weight.This topic continues to be a major area of conversation in my office on a day-to-day basis. An easy equation I like to give my patients is that every pound you are overweight in your abdomen is close to ten extra pounds of weight on your spine. So, if you feel you’ve got five extra pounds in the abdomen, that’s fifty extra pounds on your spine. Find an exercise you enjoy, do it once or twice a week, walk two to three times a week and eat healthy, organic food that comes from mother nature.

As I stated in the beginning, these are just a few tips for being proactive in your quest for an optimal healthy lifestyle.

Yours in health,

Dr. Z

Breech Babies: What Can I do if my babies Breech?

Expecting Mothers and Their Families

Throughout pregnancy, birth, and childhood, the chiropractic lifestyle offers choices and benefits for your greater health and well-being. Dr. Zimmerman has completed numerous post-graduate courses in chiropractic techniques applicable to both children and adults.

The Webster technique is a gentle hands on technique that helps to correct sacral misalignment, balance pelvic muscles and relax ligaments, which in turn, removes torsion to the woman's uterus. This results in less constraint to the baby, and allows the baby to turn and get into the best possible position for birth.

The mother's spine and pelvis undergoes many changes and adaptations to compensate for the growing baby and the risk of interference to her nervous system is increased. Specific chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is drug-free option that works by enhancing nervous system function and providing greater health potential for both the mother and baby.

Parents who understand the importance chiropractic care and its significance on overall health and well being insist on bringing in their whole family in for care.

Call our office for your complimentary consultation and to find out how to optimize your body's natural healing potential.

Natural Relief for Medical Problems

Our office provides both chiropractic and rehabilitation services for all ages, including infants, adolescents, pre and post-mothers. Come see us for any of the following:

* Consultations
* Examinations
* X-Rays
* Chiropractic Adjustments
* Therapeutic and Conditioning Exercises


* Neck Pain
* Whiplash
* Migraines


* Rotator Cuff Injuries
* Adhesive Capsulitis
* Tendonitis


* Golfer’s Elbow
* Tennis Elbow
* Tendonitis
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


* Arthritis
* Sciatica
* Hip and knee disorders
* Compartment Syndrome
* Shin Splints


* Lower Back Pain
* Any Disc Injuries
* Spinal Stenosis

We gladly accept all forms of insurance. Our helpful staff can call the insurance company for you to see if chiropractic is included in your particular plan. We can also do the billing for you so there is less money out of your pocket. If you don't have insurance coverage for chiropractic services, you’ll be happy to know that we have affordable plans to fit your individual needs.

Dr. Z's Bio

Dr. Rion Zimmerman

Expertise In...

Dr. Zimmerman is trained, certified, and practices in the following disciplines:
  • Chiropractic Doctor: Gonstead, Diversified, SOT, Cranial-Sacral, Webster technique
  • Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Therapy
  • Instructor and Trainer- Health, nutrition, exercise

Professional Overview...

Dr. Zimmerman is an excited and motivated Chiropractor specializing in preventative hands on care with extensive knowledge related to athletes and nutrition. Dr. Zimmerman has been a patient of chiropractic since the age of eight, which continues to give him the drive to provide chiropractic care for individuals of all ages. He has excellent communication and cross-cultural skills that assist with education both in and out of his practice.

Educational History...

  • Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, Whittier California (2002-2005)
  • Graduated as Doctor of Chiropractic in 2005. Highly trained in biomechanical analysis, orthopedic and neurological assessment, anatomy, physiology, x-ray analysis and interpretation, nutrition and a broad range of physical therapeutic techniques.
  • University of California Irvine, Political Science, BA (1998-2001)
  • An emphasis in public law, and four-year internship in the sports medicine facility as an athletic trainer.